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Fast Instructions

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting


January 6 - January 26 2025


There are several Types of Fasting.

The one you choose is between you and God.

He will honor your BEST sacrifice!


There are 3 options to choose from. Please stick with the option you choose for the duration of the fast.

Option 1 - Partial Fast.

A partial fast is from 6:00 am to 3:00 PM or from sun up to sundown.

You can select from three types of fasting (during fasting hours)

-a Full Fast (liquids only)


- Daniel Fast (Eat no meat, no sweets and no bread. Drink water and juice. Eat fruits and vegetables)


-Give up at least one item of food.


Option 2 - Complete Daniel Fast.

Eat no meat, no sweets and no bread. Drink water and juice. Eat fruits and vegetables

(No time restrictions)


Option 3 –

Give Up at least one of more food item(s) - no time restrictions



****Remember He will honor your BEST sacrifice****

Fasting and Your Health

If you are in poor health or have concerns about your physical ability to fast, please consult a physician before beginning your fast. Your Doctor can provide advice on how you can participate on this fast in a way that is healthy for you. Please use wisdom.

Bishop Lamont Hillard Jr.


“And by Your blood You ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation, and You have made them a kingdom and priests to our God.”Revelation 5:9-10



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